谷水谷水  2022-08-17 23:21 谷水书画院 隐藏边栏
导语: 朱云何,安徽省老子故里——涡阳县人,号苦乐,在浙江从事多年工艺美术事业。现为中国青少年视觉研究会会员、浙江省台州市美术家协会会员、北京中和百年书画院特聘画家、安徽省美协会员、亳州市美协会员。其画风大雅平淡,线条飘逸潇洒,水墨运用淋漓尽致,色彩气韵清幽。

An Introducton to A Painter Zhu Yunhe

Zhu Yunhe nicknamed Bitterness and Happiness, born in Guo Yang County, Anhui Province-----the hometown of Lao Zi, a philosopher in ancient China, has been engaged in fine arts in Zhejiang Province for many years. He is a member of Chinese Youth Visual Seminer and Taizhou Painter Associationin in Zhejiang, a specially-invitef painter of Beijing Zhonghe Bainian Painting and Calligraphy Academy, a member of Anhui Fine Arts Association and Haozhou Fine Arts Association. He has a style of elegance and insipid painting, natural and unrestrained lines, incisive ink and refind color.
He put on his painting exhibition in Guoyang Cultural Center in the year 2014 and his works are highly praised by his colleagues in the art field
Zhu Yunhe was invited to participate in the Creation of Traditional Chinese Paintings held jointly by the Ministry of Culture and the Central Military Commission to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Army, and his works were selected as one of famous artists in the long scroll celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Army.
Later, he was invited to exhibit his works in famous domestic painting and calligraphy exhibitions, among which "Wangzi Return", "Fragrance" and "National Color" won the first prize. Anhui TV Station and Bozhou City TV Station did a personal interview with him for it, and in Bozhou City TV Station broadcasted a special interview "A Muddy Painter" Zhu Yunhe: Walking out of the countryside, painting rural beauty.
Well-known in the art field, he was invited to participate in the global Chinese "Literary and art Federation", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association", edited " Selected Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works ", "New Century Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters" and other large Calligraphy and Painting albums,
Zhu Yunhe has been practicing the original intention of a farmer painter in the new era, and actively engaged in the public welfare activities of "Caring for left-behind children" held by all walks of life, and donated all the funds raised from the charity sale to the "Caring for Children" Foundation, and awarded the honorary title of "Charity Ambassador of Love" by his hometown.
His works are loved and collected by Chinese painting lovers at home and abroad.




